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  1. H

    My strategy & help needed: how to invest 190k with a horizon of 3-6 years + 2-4k a month in the long term

    @jayjaynp Mate did you forget to switch between accounts? If yes, delete this comment. Otherwise you have identified your main account
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    My strategy & help needed: how to invest 190k with a horizon of 3-6 years + 2-4k a month in the long term

    @coppellia It would be good to know the country, because there are sometimes options in specific countries that can be good for a short term interval like 3 years.
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    Finpension Global Market ETF (VT - VWRL Clone)

    @gtdispomed9093 If you just buy an etf with IBKR what possible mistakes do you want to avoid? What commission do you pay for buying and selling? If you want to make it simple why all this work to save 0.12% TER? Why not simply buy VWRL/VWCE if you don't want to deal with US funds?
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    Trade Republic 4% p.a Interests

    @bryanparry I cannot link the specific section, you just need to go the trade republic website and scroll. Otherwise just Google trade republic deposit protection or something similar
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    Trade Republic 4% p.a Interests

    @bryanparry The website is also in English and it states there deposits are protected up to 100k (not money invested). All funds in the cash account are legally protected up to €100,000 per investor. They are held in an escrow account at one of our partner banks. These currently are Solaris SE...
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    N26 asked for proof of funds and 2 days later they close account and freeze funds

    @silentnyte I used to have some savings with N26 but since I started seeing quite a few posts of accounts being locked/closed, I took all the savings out, and now just keep a residual amount for small expenses. I lost my trust in them. The fact that throughout these years, in which those news...
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    New to investing in index funds, please review my portfolio

    @st3p4n If you want to invest world and US, choose 1 all word (MSCI or FTSE) and 1 SP500 etf. Sell everything else. Example: VWRL (dist)/VWCE (acc) [pick 1] and SRX8 or equivalent
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    New to investing in index funds, please review my portfolio

    @st3p4n Not financial advice, but definitely one of the worst I've seen since I join here. Not sure what kind of strategy you have other than an ETF collector. If you are into buying all the ETFs available in the market, let us know once you finished. For just 1800€ it makes absolutely no...
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    Where to easily invest my savings

    @nicaea_1q All world ETF. For example, VWCE (acc) or VWRL (dist).