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  1. S

    New to investing in index funds, please review my portfolio

    @st3p4n So if I understand correctly, you bought financial instruments, which you don’t really understand? There’s plenty of online ressources, which will help you. Right now, I think you should focus on reading and building knowledge on the topic.
  2. S

    New to investing in index funds, please review my portfolio

    @st3p4n I’ll suggest to start with one tracking a world index. I see that you have some ETFs which are Accumulating and others Distributing. You would want one or the other depending on the fiscal laws of your country of residency.
  3. S

    New to investing in index funds, please review my portfolio

    @st3p4n Keep it simple! No need to buy all the ETFs available. Every transaction has a cost so by having less ETFs, you’ll also have less transactions.