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  1. R

    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @nevagiveup86 I actually cook by default, mainly for health reasons. Eating out means a lot of excess fats because taste comes before nutrition.
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @httx That's actually the calculator I ended up using before writing the post. Not afraid of public transport at all, a huge fan actually. I hate driving. One of the positions I applied for would actually be 25 minutes away from the city but the employer provides a shuttle bus service (I don't...
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @resjudicata I've read some people write so over many places. Apparently there's severe housing shortage in the city.
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @james2333 Surviving in Austria is not the same as surviving in Vienna. No matter where I look Vienna and Salzburg are way more expensive than anywhere else.
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @james2333 Disagree completely about commuting. I am a city animal so I actually prefer to commute out of the city to work if I have to but already be in the city in my free time because on weekends I'd end up in the city anyway. I grew up in the country and the thought of having to drive to the...
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @resjudicata The lower limit is not much higher but nevertheless more like gross 2500€. The thing is there are offers with much higher upper limit, some over 4000€ and as a result there are more offers in mid-range around 3000–3400€. Haven't really looked into German tax system though so there...
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @y0ung1996 Been there to ask about something else and they were surprisingly inactive. Maybe if I wrote it in German but I don't really think it would help much. I already got more direct messages from users after this post than all the comments to the ones I made on these subs.
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @resjudicata Numbers say something fundamentally different about median salary in Vienna. It's way higher than that.
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @kellsterann I assume you don't live alone because that would be an enormous flat size for a single person. I wouldn't like to give up location and standard too much, and as someone wrote in another answer getting a Ph.D. may be difficult with partying flatmates in the living room so I'd prefer...
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @chasrismatic101 Definitely living on my own, that's a highly technical position and I already got used to not sharing a flat with 'buddies'. I know this increases costs but I think the increase in the standard of living is worth it.
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    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    I've noticed Ph.D. students' salaries (not very negotiable since they are usually government-funded) in Germany tend to be considerably higher than in Austria and I began to wonder how difficult it may be to live for three years of a Ph.D. programme in Vienna given the gross salaries are around...