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    Hey Guys. I’m very confused on options in Islam

    @tinyfaith There used to be a couple really good research papers by Mufti Faraz Adam on this but I can no longer find them. All I can is this brief article summarizing the paper and brief answers to questions by Mufti Taqi Usmani.
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    Can some1 help me understand if this means the company is making money from interest or what do it mean?

    @riverstears No flaws, I just personally prefer not to follow the AAOIFI criteria because there are others that make more sense to me, see the comment linked below. As for adding up debt, just make sure you're only adding interest-bearing debt and not including things like accounts payable or...
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    Can some1 help me understand if this means the company is making money from interest or what do it mean?

    @riverstears The SEC EDGAR company search has quarterly filings as well. Look for 10-Q for quarterly and 10-K for annual reports. "Q/A" or "K/A" just means amended, so it's the most recent/updated but sometimes it's just small changes that don't affect the financials...
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    How to deal with 401k

    @noodlemn Yes it would change whenever the holdings chang which could be any time. There's not really a methodology for estimating the non sharia-compliant portion. Maybe just upon retirement check all the stocks and calculate it.
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    Can some1 help me understand if this means the company is making money from interest or what do it mean?

    @riverstears I would highly, highly recommend not getting financial information or ratios (like debt to assets) from these websites like yahoo finance, wall street journal, etc that just aggregate data and try to present it in a basic/standardized way. This is because their aggregation is...
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    How to deal with 401k

    @noodlemn No, mine doesn't unfortunately. What I do is just keep in 100% equities to avoid bonds. It's not sharia-compliant but I'm not going to leave compensation on the table by not contributing to my 401k. My plan is to donate a portion of it when I retire for the non sharia-compliant...
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    Riba and Interest - Same thing or Not?

    @elizarn Respectfully, agree to disagree but I do see where you're coming from. For me, looking at the definition of riba, most interest counts as riba and riba is undoubtedly haram. There are no exceptions in the fiqh or "loopholes" if you will about riba being ok if it's rampant or anything...
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    Riba and Interest - Same thing or Not?

    @elizarn I get what you're saying and I've had many of the same thoughts as you. Being Muslims in a financial system embedded with riba, we are at a disadvantage. Not only with trying to preserve our wealth/buying power but we don't get the same cheap access to capital or buying houses/cars that...
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    Riba and Interest - Same thing or Not?

    @elizarn I agree with you here. Fiat currency is inextricably linked to fractional reserve banking the money creation system which has riba embedded in it. I have seen scholars talk about this, though maybe not often. Technically fiat currency is haram as is fractional reserve banking/money...
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    Riba and Interest - Same thing or Not?

    @elizarn Riba and what we call "interest" in the modern day are not always the same thing. For example, late fees on credit cards or loans would be considered riba but it's not called interest. Also on leases, there might be interest but it's not considered riba because riba is specifically only...
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    Received 50k not sure what to do

    @pattyharden First, set aside enough for an emergency fund. This money should be able to cover at least 6 months of expenses if you were to have no income. Then invest the rest in sharia-compliant ETFs and mutual funds. I see you can put this money away for 10+ years so this would be a good...
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    UIF vs Guidance VS Other and pricing method?

    @gigis Profit rate usually tracks interest rates. But the are based on a number of factors including credit score and down payment. You can also pay more at closing for better rates but it doesn't change the rate by much. I would put 20% down if you can. Putting down less will most likely make...
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    UIF vs Guidance VS Other and pricing method?

    @earthquakes We just got a got a house via Guidance and I didn't even think to compare with conventional mortgages and try to get Guidance to match - I knew I was going to use Guidance. Were you able to get Guidance to lower the rate/fees? I wonder how much money I could have saved.
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    Guilt at Work

    @chelaine You're fine bro. I work in public accounting and we have to track and report all of our time. It's very important and the firm really pushes strict time reporting compliance because it's how clients get billed and expenses get allocated. When I first started I would stress about...
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    Alternative investments

    @d1975mon This video might be of interest to you. This channel did a halal investing series with one video for equity, real estate, and then this one below for "alternative assets". The only other alternative I can think of would be if you got into venture capital/private equity where you...
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    Buying Car with X% APR

    @mags1234 Yes interest-based loans involve riba and are haram. As far as I know, the only halal ways to get a car in the US are: Save up and pay for it outright. This might be more realistic for pre-owned than new. Sometimes there are promotional deals with 0% interest for a certain number of...
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    Halal Credit Card in US

    @brendacast That is one opinion but there are many scholars that say credit cards are ok to use as long as you always pay in full and avoid paying any interest.
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    Are High Yield Savings Accounts haram?

    @annache By "simplistic answers" do you mean the opinion held by the vast majority of scholars? I've honestly never seen a qualified scholar try to argue that interest on lending in the modern world isn't riba. I've only seen reformists/Western academics who don't actually have degrees in...
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    Roth IRA

    @counselorwriterdad It's pretty easy for a new investor I'd say. I also have access to all sharia-compliant ETFs and mutual funds I know but based on discussion I've seen on this sub I think fidelity does too.
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    How to set up a brokerage account with all halal investments with ideal asset allocation for young folks (20s/30s)?

    @guswilby I agree don't use Wahed. The fees are not worth what they offer as it's just as easy to simply open a brokerage account and invest in the same ETFs Wahed offers. I use Vanguard and mostly keep my money in SPUS, SPSK, and SPRE. I used to use the Amana funds but the fees are higher on...