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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @resjudicata Yes, I remember that :) Rebalancing does not concern me much, because I plan to rebalance by buying additional assets over time, not by selling the existing ones. Since I was going to buy something anyway, it does not make a difference if I buy 5 funds or 1, broker commissions will...
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @christianandy Really nice info and I have not seen this document before. Very useful insight
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @tekela Thank you for the link. This is a great material on the topic. Joined the community.
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @jakelab Thank you, nice to see a different perspective on the same topic!
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @lovelygrace Great point, thank you! I will look into replacing small cap with small cap value stocks.
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @uselessnumberone In the document /@christianandy referenced below there is a chart and a table with historical data. Need to do the math on how the exact portfolio would do, but generally looking at the data you can see that factor investing outperforms MSCI World Document...
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @davidandgoliath00 You probably mean SPDR MSCI Europe Small Cap Value Weighted UCITS ETF. Yes, good point. My only concern that fund size is 81m, but this is not so bad.
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @lyso Yes, I saw this one. 18m fund size is tiny, it has almost no liquidity now, maybe it will grow with time, but for now it's not a very wise choice. Second thing that bothers me is potentially high fund turnover and hidden costs because of that. Manager might need to do a lot of rebalancing.
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    Hello! Recently I've been very excited about 5 factor investing, to capture the most returns over the long term. Since I am in my 30s and planning to hold my investments for 30+ years it makes sense to invest for the best and more reliable result possible over long term. Here are the 5...