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  1. P

    Selecting a bank account and advantages /disadvantages of the same

    @cn17 Nice article. Thanks for taking time to compile and share. I'd apply the following considerations: How much money to keep in banks: Decide how much of high liquidity funds you need. Avoid keeping in excess of that in banks. Consider Liquid and Short duration funds beyond that. Certainly...
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    P014- Biggest mistake an MF investor can make

    @rski Simply: NFOs are not interesting. Why go for something unknown when you can see track record of so many funds. Occasionally you can make an exception to this rule if you see a novel concept or something else worthwhile, but that's very rare. If you are reading this forum, you are capable...
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    P014- Biggest mistake an MF investor can make

    @she2309 I'd think: Redeem and reinvest systematically over time, avoid exit loads and tax implications as well as catching of a market high or low.
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    P014- Biggest mistake an MF investor can make

    @rski Also factor in compounding effect of the difference.
  5. P

    P014- Biggest mistake an MF investor can make

    @chrislaforest Not really. There are many options out there for direct funds. MFU, CAMS, Kuvera, VR portfolio to name a few. There are tools to produce various views of your investments from primary source such as registrar's statements.
  6. P

    P014- Biggest mistake an MF investor can make

    @chrislaforest Work out a transfer plan (considering tax implications, exit loads etc) to direct funds. EDIT: Direct plans came in 2013 and I worked out the transfer, averting exit loads and tax implications to the extent possible. Within a year I was completely on Direct. Had I kept waiting...