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    Is the higher premium worth it?

    @earnestq I look at network and freedom first. The less precert requirements the better and narrow networks means limited access. Next is maximum out of pocket. Plan on paying your incidentals yourself. HSAs are preferred because the tax benefits and lower price usually make them the cheapest...
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    L&H or P&C?

    @smiles76 You need an agency willing to train you. Getting a license is easy. You know how to take tests. Can you sell? And prospect? And manage a variable income? Lots of licensed people find something else to do.
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    No Health Insurance for One Week - Moving back to U.S. from Europe

    @christopher123123 Buy a short term policy. It won't cover pre-ex. Make sure your employer coverage starts when you think it does. There is usually an eligibility waiting period. Buy the STM a little longer than you think you'll need. It's cheap and you don't want to be without.
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    $2,500 vs $5,000 deductible

    @justmeoverhere Ask yourself if $x is worth it to you for the difference in deductible. I like to put the premium savings in an account so that it is there when I have a claim. I'll feel better about the higher deductible. I feel really good when the account accumulates multiple $1,000s...
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    Should I choose PPO or HSA for my first plan after losing my dad’s insurance?

    @impetus34 HSA is generally better anytime I run the actual numbers. The problem is many people don't fund the HSA. You should fund the HSA even if you spend every dollar out of it. You get a tax break just by putting the money in. This essentially makes your meds tax deductible but you don't...