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  1. D

    Is this a good deal?

    @scripturewinds Agreed 100%
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    Is this a good deal?

    @scripturewinds I fu#$ing wish... They're not matching my contribution... Read the post. They're contributing 10% of MY CONTRIBUTION! e.g. I put in 10%, they put in 1%
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    PRSA contribution charges

    @hendrix Yeah, that's bad...
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    PRSA contribution charges

    @resjudicata These guys seem to charge 0% on contributions i.e. 100% allocation & have a 1% annual charge - haven't used them, so can't confirm. Worth checking what your annual charge is. Lowest I've come...
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    PRSA contribution charges

    I'm in the process of setting up a PRSA with a local 'financial consultant '. At the outset the fees were outlined to me as follows (and I copy & paste from his email)... * No Policy Fee. * No Exit Fee. * There is a total Annual Management Charge (AMC) of 1.5% for standard funds (1% to the...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @spinuscyn Yes, really only matching 10% of my contribution... Assuming zero growth and contributions staying the same, for first five years i.e. my contribution of 15k per year plus employer contribution of 1.5k per year... Pot = my pension pot AMC = 1.5% annual management charge...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @spinuscyn That was my original plan - a self-directed Davy Select PRSA buying the most diversified Vanguard fund I can find. At 0.75% annual charge it beats the hell out of the 1.5% charge on the company scheme. I calculated that after 5 yrs of paying in 30% of 50k (I work part time) the...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @ken405 Afraid I understood it precisely... It's shite.
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    Is this a good deal?

    @cidalia No misunderstanding
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    Is this a good deal?

    @vescd Verified with company today, it's 10% of MY CONTRIBUTION... Miserable.
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    Is this a good deal?

    @vulcanlogician Unfortunately after re-reading I think there's no misunderstanding. On my first reading I thought 'great 10% of salary'... Then reality hit. It's abysmal and frankly an insult. Btw, the offer is quoted word for word from the email I received.
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    Is this a good deal?

    @peter1000 I've quoted word for word from offer email. Unfortunately there's no misunderstanding... As in the example they give... I contribution 1000, they contribute 100.
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    Is this a good deal?

    @vulcanlogician 'Insulting' is precisely the word that came to mind. Frankly I'd have been happier if they said they didn't do pensions and left it at that.
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    Is this a good deal?

    My employer has made me an offer on a pension plan... Will contribute 10% of whatever I decide to pay e.g. if I contribute €1,000 they will contribute €100 No Policy Fee. No Exit Fee. There is a total Annual Management Charge (AMC) of 1.5% for standard funds (1% to the Insurance Company & 0.5%...