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  1. F

    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @cclay88 Just saw your gsheet and noticed that buy on dip actually has lesser investment too. So buy in dip is actually performing better
  2. F

    First Milestone Reached, 26M (1 crore Networth)

    @dmscotland Hi. I have been trying to get into such a company for a while. But how do you get into it? For such companies I never see any job postings, nothing in linkedin section of jobs or anything?
  3. F

    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @mammabear7355 Yes agreed. I guess it comes down to personal decision to decide if the effort is worth for you.. :)
  4. F

    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @mammabear7355 But if buy the dip works just as well, then it maybe a better strategy right? Why I say this is because such a dip maybe very rare.. Let's say once a year, so if instead of investing through sip, if I invest that money in savings account, I get 3% return plus I can anytime invest...