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    EPF Account 3 coming really soon!

    @zainonechia I don’t think KWSP will ever be so stupid/generous to offer that. Not even banks give such flexibility of going in and out while providing 5.5% on average. Everyone will abuse Acc3 to the max
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    Actual Dividend Yield of VOO for Malaysians

    @cjegan2014 I don’t. It’s just something to discuss on since it’s overlooked a lot (understandably). No one buys VOO for dividends. Yet if you’re heavily vested, you wanna know what perks (however small) you can get right?
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    Actual Dividend Yield of VOO for Malaysians

    @senadin001 Wait I think you meant “downfall WHEN we decide to sell”. You’re right on that being a strong possibility given how overvalued things have become. That said, we can just choose not to sell during that impermanent downturn.
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    Actual Dividend Yield of VOO for Malaysians

    @senadin001 I agree that VOO depends heavily on the US economy, but then again when US topples so do most of the global markets. Think of it as investing in globalized businesses while still staying relatively diversified compared to chasing Magnificent 7. An earthquake in the Dow Jones shakes...
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    Actual Dividend Yield of VOO for Malaysians

    Last I checked, the dividend yield of VOO is around 1.3%. Meaning you’ll get approximately 130 as dividend annually if you invested 10,000 (just an example). However, if that 130 is taxed 30% in the US before coming back to our brokerage account, does that mean our actual dividend yield is...
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    Need some financial advice regarding my first car purchase

    @micha Driving my myvi around without needing to worry about car loans or minor scratches too much is the real privilege IMO
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    EPF Account 3 coming really soon!

    "Between 12 May 2024, and 31 August 2024, members will have a one-time option to transfer part of their Akaun Sejahtera savings balance to Akaun Fleksibel as an initial amount, and this action cannot be cancelled once completed." How many of you will do nothing at all once the EPF Account 3...
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    Need some financial advice regarding my first car purchase

    @micha I agree with your approach, not sure why the downvotes
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @lisle Means it works well for foreign currency payments?
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @eagle_and_hawk Ya sadly, Grab still doesn't have a way to transferring from their wallet into our own banks
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    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @ant101 Is this already processed for us when we invest in Etfs like VOO?
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @julesc So far they still didn't clarify how to be eligible for the Raya 5% pa promotion. I assume it's just as usual, but 3% increase to 5%?
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @iamremnantband For anyone also curious!
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @iamremnantband Do I need to put all funds into the “saving pocket” to receive the 3% p.a interest? Or just the default “main account” is fine? EDIT: both are fine
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @jess25 Curious, why do you think they have good customer support? I've never encountered anything negative so far. Just sent an inquiry on their official email to see if they truly respond / respond fast.
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    Advice needed. Contractor scammed me RM5k, promises to pay me back but it's been 2.5 years and he has not

    @missourian101 His strategy is to obviously scam a “little” from everyone, ideally around the 5k range, so that his final scam sum is BIG (also enough to pay his accomplice which acted as a clients said nice things about him) but no individual one will bother to chase him till the end of time...
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @mattmanticus Just saw, thanks!
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @mattmanticus Thanks for the comprehensive overview. I just signed up and sadly the only opening goodies left seem to be the Rm8 cash back. Do I need to put all funds into the “saving pocket” to receive the 3% p.a interest? Or just the default “main account” is fine? Another phenomenon with...
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    Any current GXBank user here? Share with us your experience! I originally wanted to download it last month, but cut the plan short when I read some of the 1-star reviews on Apple App Store (not sure what’s the case for Google Play). Some of the users have stated that their money was lost after...