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  1. J

    Third party claim in vehicle accident, neither party admitting fault.

    @sovereignone Thank you for your response. We did have our home insurance’s preferred vendor come and put up emergency fencing, as we have a pool/ in anticipation that we might eventually end up having to go with home insurance. It is disappointing to hear this is the route we most likely need...
  2. J

    Third party claim in vehicle accident, neither party admitting fault.

    @marshallbryant Thank you for your response. We have been homeowners for only a few months so would like to avoid that route as making a claim a few months in to the policy will likely have implications for years. We also heard that due to understaffing in the industry right now they may not...
  3. J

    Third party claim in vehicle accident, neither party admitting fault.

    @mark264 Thank you for this perspective. Opinions seem to be mixed on the best course of action.
  4. J

    Third party claim in vehicle accident, neither party admitting fault.

    In ON. Hi there, I’m hoping someone can advise about my situation. I had a vehicle go through the fence of my house after a head on collision. I’m trying to seek damages, but insurance for each vehicle is saying I need to contact the other vehicle’s insurance because they are at fault. What are...