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  1. J

    Looking for help investing at 25 y/o

    @parsonbrown VWCE "includes" S&P500 in a way, I (personally) don't see a point in getting both. I would consider a "factor" or a "sector" fund to increase "tilt" towards something I feel strongly about. For example a further tilt towards tech, which I'd implement the tilt by essentially buying...
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    Looking for help investing at 25 y/o

    @oilumiun12 I'd actually advise against this on the basis of tax inefficiency, and would recommend accumulating ETFs (where OP isn't directly exposed to dividends), and just reducing contributions for when rent/food/etc money is needed today. In the future, OP can rebalance and buy whatever...
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    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

    @mischael I think it works a bit differently, i.e. poor wouldn't be buying houses or refinansing mortgages? They'd be selling houses they own - which probably are not very efficient to begin with. I don't know how it would affect the middle class for whom upsizing/downsizing/buying/selling is a...
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    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @besjoux Your 24k savings is basically your emergency fund more or less - if/when you lose a job or something happens you can fall back to it. Given your rent is only 600 it's maybe a bit fat, at 100k/year and with average 2k/pm rent, it'll be about right. If I were you, knowing what I know...
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    To buy a flat vs invest?

    @ng1989 Fixed income is also subject to interest rate risk and inflation risk. If you're looking at 3% average inflation per year going forwards (example, good luck predicting what Ursula will do, and with no disrespect, I'm sure she'd like to know too), your effective yield from those bonds...
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @killalljewishpeople2934 Yeah,.. no. I'm not into politics (I probably should vote, but so far I've just never voted). Also, actually, according to rates I proposed above, I'd end up paying just a bit more than today (probably). It's more that I've had friends/acquaintances not from Ireland...
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    To buy a flat vs invest?

    @ng1989 People are likely to keep wanting to live around large population centers like Berlin - it's a nice place :) Regarding long term portfolios, as long as (/pun) OP is in an accumulation phase, I think they should optimize their portfolio for growth and not preservation. Once at around...
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @wabi Hmm maybe the trouble is that "Housing and Utilities" are only weighed at 12%/14% of expenses, but the costs went up 60% since 2021. ... and then for people looking to buy, residential property prices more or less doubled since 2014. I'm just browsing tradingview graphs and some CSO...
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @evaline yeah, some will move, some will stay. Looking at UK and Scotland they have roughly 0%,20%,40%,50% at roughly 12k,40k,125k income so until 250k .. my rates might be lower -- but it's similar overall. I think the question is whether this 500k+ earner is a single business person/unit...
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @jdsenn Lots of people do it, there's plenty of places around the world with tax transparent or opaque 0% tax entities and hybrid mismatches to take advantage of. This is in addition to the more proverbial "I'll expense a coffee machine for the office", or various personal electronic, or cell...
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @evaline I've been thinking about that, e.g. who are these people with 5M+ of taxable income... I'm thinking CEOs / VPs / ... who are here for work or something.. "stars" of some kjnd... .. but I can't think of them moving, they can probably negotiate being paid more or differently... or...
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @mikek84 my thinking was that e.g. paying 2% or 7% extra for folks in the highest 1-2% brackets relative to total income, (whatever the actual percentage amount) is not something that would significantly impact the day to day quality of life of those folks directly. But I think it would...
  13. J

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @kennyjoede In the long run, I'd like everyone to pay less, but I'd like the economy to grow, and number of people paying tax to grow, and per capita government expenditures to be lower on average... e.g. "more efficiency through scale". In the short term, in my proposal of bands above folks...
  14. J

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    Not a personal question, more of an economic theory/policy/politics/legal question. We have USC/PRSI and then income tax, ... .. in some kind of dreamland, what would happen if we (Ireland) got rid of USC/PRSI altogether, and funded whatever those expenses were fr taxes. And then retailored...