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  1. J

    I have 3 pensions with varying amounts and want to combine them into one, looking for advice

    @blucrane Not enough information for anyone to give you an informed opinion. You'll have to disclose the charges - funds on each plan. I doubt the WTW & AON ones are high so probably best left alone.
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    How To Accurately Use The Zurich Life Fund Performance Calculator

    @willumg Accuracy of information matters.
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    How To Accurately Use The Zurich Life Fund Performance Calculator

    Fund Performance has come up a lot, even though we’re, technically, not supposed to be considering it. Except when we're debating Passive V Active; then it's put forth as Gospel. The calculator is here Landing page shows: Fund Category - Pension / Gross of Tax Funds and PRSA Funds are...
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    Pension transfer question

    @kaiousama What fund is it in? What fund are you transferring it to? What are the AMCs on both?
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    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @gardenlady In the context of the products that Life Assurance Exit Tax (LAET & DD @ 41%) applies to, but which no one appears to have referenced already, even though savers/investors are heavily invested in: The 1% Goverment Levy is adding circa 0.15% per annum to the TER You cannot move from...
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    Defined Benefit Pension

    @xoana You'd need about €45,000 of a fund to buy an annuity of €2,300 pa at the moment. So the risk you take is that the €16,822 grows to more than €45,000 @ age 65. Very rough calculations above but you'll get the picture. I'd probably just let it be and focus on your DCs.
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    Can you change AVC deduction from PAYE to self-employed?

    @asaithambi No. AVC is additional voluntary contribution to the main scheme and is specific to that scheme. Must be matured at the same time as the main scheme. You'll have to set up a separate PRSA or RAC (personal pension).
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    PRSA fees explanation

    @yeesern A couple of red flags here. If your sister thinks that she's going to get a better deal by dealing with the company directly via a tied agent, she's wrong. The information you have is garbled. It may not have been explained to her properly or it's lost in translation coming to you...
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    PRSA fees explanation

    @yeesern Can you clarify if your sister is only investing a lump sum and over what term she's going to be investing the money?
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    Remote Worker Pension

    @elrefale No obligation on employer to pay into a PRSA. They must offer to do your personal payments it by salary deduction. They're not going to set up an occupational pension scheme for one person. In this case they would be obliged to make a meaningful contribution but they could do that by...