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    My dad says to switch to L 2020 funds for a year

    @resjudicata This is true...but we don't know OPs age. My guess is he is in his 20s and far from retirement. Side note, I used to fly on U28s :D
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    My dad says to switch to L 2020 funds for a year

    @resjudicata Idiot is a harsh word...but anyone who thinks they can time the market (and not even being an expert to boot), is unfortunately an idiot.
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    My dad says to switch to L 2020 funds for a year

    @kevin_01 I'm sure this wont go over well...but your dad is a fucking idiot.
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    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @harldav Thanks sniffles
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    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @cbc8171 Honestly, your reply is bad and shameful.
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    Your TSP choices are bad.

    @frankiejohn I agree...I absolutely hate these in your face hostile advice posts. Congrats to OP, his past performance did need to angrily shout it at everyone. But if that's what all the cool cats are doing,maybe I should make a "fuck you all" post on how I invested in real estate...