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    3 points on my driving record in cali. All companies deny me or are too expensive! Any help?

    @nesiory Bite the bullet and pay the premium or move to another state 🤷 There is no reason to go over 100mph, which I think is actually considered excessive speeding in CA and is more serious than a regular ticket.
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    Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

    @sunshine158 Also, if he is charging you the difference for the entire policy because he is assuming the jump is from your accident he is wrong. The increase would most likely be seen on the specific vehicle and the rest is an inflation adjustment/rate change independent of the accident.
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    Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

    @sunshine158 Your dad could have avoided this by getting the Gold or Platinum coverage. Gold includes one accident forgiveness every 3 years and platinum offers multiple accident forgiveness. Have you seen the renewal and declaration pages to verify that increase? I've never seen a single car...
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    126.8% Increase

    @taisho Shop around
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    Rental Car Insurance for 19 y/o

    @thegentileskeptic Does the renting company not offer their own products?
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    Concerned fraudulent insurance policy taken out in my name

    @arno Are you ever around then enough to either check the glove box or ask them who their insurance company is? If you ask you can always pose it as you shopping around.
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    Insurance Hitting with the 80-20 Rule

    @kyleswife2015 Sounds like the shop probably charges higher hourly rates and possibly used oem parts, which insurance does not cover so you'd be billed the difference. Not much you can do, the warranty staying intact isn't a concern for the insurance company and the ins co has their own...
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    Help Please! Avoid a lapse between cars?

    @dude421 Right, so we do it a lot with snow birds and people traveling for long periods of time. We suspend all of the coverages except for comprehensive so there is still a policy and it still generates a small bill. You still have an active insurance policy so you don't have a lapse in...
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    Help Please! Avoid a lapse between cars?

    @dude421 I'll be honest, that was a long post and I didn't read it all. But. When one of my customers is going to be without a vehicle for an undetermined amount of time, we just suspend the liability and collision and leave comprehensive active. Comprehensive is usually less than $10 a month...