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  1. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @alexander5106954665 I’m doing cloud through and through! Yes, in my friend’s case the JobCenter was quick enough to send some dough. But true, if I have to catch a flight back home it will won’t be enough, otherwise for just living here it will last. I will upsize it now I think.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @aria903 €75000 base salary, plus some more for fixed costs translates to €3850 in salary, rest is my friends sending me there share of rent.
  3. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @donddc47xxx Oh, I understood that in the first couple of months, I travelled like 12-14 countries so far and never regretted the cost of it. I’m striking a balance just fine, for now.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @wolfeagleking I personally consider myself really lucky that I so much freedom. There are no fixed working hours, completely remote, no one asks why your slack was offline etc. hope it stays like this in tech.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @ignatz I get what you mean, I just used the broad umbrella term but my exact title is quite niche and doesn’t involve just writing aws lambdas. But I definitely understand.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @paulotarsus I agree with you, but because I’m barely paying any rent the current situation is very profitable for me. I already am a bit aggressive about getting pay raises and know seniors in my company are earning 110k base as well, I’m already on a track to get there in like 1.5 years or so...
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @lizam That’s what I’m thinking as well. I know people who’re earning a lot more in my company but with 3 yoe (1y Frontend, 1y Backend and 1 in cloud) landed me this so I consider myself currently a mid level for which its good enough a package.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @kayleeavani 3800 netto is considered low? I think it’s pretty good for my yoe. I was offered even 85k base at another startup but I chose to play the long game by joining a company that has prestige, anyways I’ll be at 85k in a few months so it should be fine.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @bccoachwaelti Thanks a ton mate.
  10. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @bccoachwaelti Thanks for your input. You’ve a nice salary package, can I ask how many yoe you have? And also are you getting tax cut because of marriage or no? Is there a term for it when we get 42% of interest back if the property is rented out? i’d like to research more on this.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @krevikes Ah that explains it very well. Thanks a ton. I still have one question, there’s a USD in the name of my existing ETFs. I wonder if the fluctuation of either EUR or USD would’ve an inverse effect on my gains. 🤔
  12. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @krevikes I completely agree with the crypto part, I studied how it works and its convincing enough to not miss out on it so a small allocation in BTC should be more than enough. But yeah primary goal is to get myself 1 ETF to invest in so that it compounds. I think I just get confused when I...
  13. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @krevikes I sized it appropriately I think, at least for now, no wife, no kids, no car, no personal home to put in money for repairs, I got a renovated apartment and so far nothing’s breaking, healthcare I never spent a dime myself, the insurance covered everything every time and I frequent...
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @compassionate_rn I’m not heavy into crypto, after loosing a couple grands I learned my lesson and decided not to gamble anymore, I just have some invested in Bitcoin and Eth so that I don’t miss out on any potential gains but definitely not relying on this for retirement. I’m all up for just...
  15. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @chels12 Nice to see your progress as well champ. Good job. I travel every chance I get, have been lucky enough to visit 12-14 countries so far and I never regret spending money on having experiences as long as the expenses are moderate. As mentioned in another comment with my current...
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @clusium I don’t think we have anything similar but thanks for reminding me that I need to maximize that part as well, I was delaying contributing to my company’s sponsored pension fund out of laziness but even if its bullshit its free money nonetheless that the company’s paying on my behalf...
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @clusium I also hate the fact that roughly 700 euros per month are going into the pension system which is barely going to give me any returns. I think I’d be better off throwing that kind of money into an ETF, just adding all that amount until I reach 67 would be more than enough to last decades...
  18. A

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @clusium About pension plans, my company offers that employee sponsored pension plan or smth and I’ve also heard about Reister and Rerup or something but after some basic research I couldn’t find it convincing enough but I guess I need to research more.
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @clusium That’s exactly the kind of advice I’m looking for, the 13k is sitting in my checkings because I just didn’t know in which ETF to throw it into. Although I like to play with small amounts like 1k to 3k for individual stocks but I obviously I can’t depend on this for my retirement and for...
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    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @sarahturner Thanks for the kind words mate. I know there’s always someone to look up to but I’m grateful for what I have.