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    Which Rakuten funds are best for NISA?

    @jaybee66 yeah they started somewhere in November 2023, aiming to be competitors to emaxis slim mostly
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    Which Rakuten funds are best for NISA?

    @denningsjeff Yeah it's a small but I'll take it
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    eMAXIS Slim or Nomura NISA?

    @finchescare3marky Btw since new NISA I myself also chose Rakuten All country because of the very low fee (via point cashback to simply holding it). Until now I was only in emaxis
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    eMAXIS Slim or Nomura NISA?

    @finchescare3marky Both are relatively equal, you can check on the fund page they usually show the Tracking error, the lower the better it follows the index. Ideally you want it to stay close to the index.
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    Which Rakuten funds are best for NISA?

    @jaybee66 Not much but yes. 0.017% or 0.028% of your holding per year
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    eMAXIS Slim or Nomura NISA?

    @finchescare3marky The price does not matter return will be the same, across funds following the same index (+- some error margin). Everything underneath is in % so 2% of the portfolio in Apple shares is still 2% even if you only invest 10$ or 10 million$ of course the total amount of shares...
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    eMAXIS Slim or Nomura NISA?

    @nafis4268 Assuming they follow the same index. It's not really cheaper. It's more of the same. It just means the slice of the pie is cheaper but also smaller. It's like if a pie is cut in 10 instead of 5 But. Slice is 1$ instead of 2$ They have be about a 2x difference in price. But if the...
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    eMAXIS Slim or Nomura NISA?

    @nafis4268 First let me ask you why are you considering that new fund over the proven eMaxis slim?
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    Which Rakuten funds are best for NISA?

    @resjudicata They are there to compete against emaxis slim so I have some faith but yeah hopefully, gotta take a while until we know for real
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    Which Rakuten funds are best for NISA?

    @jaybee66 With the new Nisa I went 100% in the 2 new funds they started. Because they give points just for holding them. eMaxis slim are a no brainer if you want something with a good track record. If you dont care about points and be wants something more solid go for eMaxis slim you can't do...
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @blueskye30 Its because you are paying your loan along the way, interest is calculated on remaining balance not borrowed amount.
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    How one small change in Japan could sway U.S. markets

    @jaeb I wonder if this will change anything, Canada, UK etc all raised rates following the US and their currency is still doing not too good. Raising rate make do a double punch to the economy considering it will probably do nothing.