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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @dr_kayode No, Im Mexican, the name is just the gamertag I was using long ago, and I keep that name 😅 Thanks for your comment : )
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @recall Hey, thanks for your comment. I did't mean to be rude nor flexing. I honestly have this doubts, that money is a lot in my country, but I didn't know how about Canada. Sorry if by any means I offended you. I just want to have enough information in order to make a good decision.
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @heathjeb wow that's huge, Im starting to look to more options, Im looking right now at Calgary, this is the kind of information I was looking for. Thanks for sharing that : )
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @murfy Yup, flexible hours. The team is actually really spread not only over Canada but over the world.
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @murfy Im taking a look at Calgary. But also Im seeing Halifax as a good option as well
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @myredeemerlives7 Hey, muchas gracias, yo me voy de Guadalajara.
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @resjudicata Do you have any recommendation of a web page where I can find house for rent in that area?
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @resjudicata I don’t find house for rent on sunshine coast xD I’ll keep looking
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @troy1994 Thanks a lot! I will take a look : )
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @trushmoon Im moving from Mexico. I actually don't care if I don't find 'similar' culture nearby, I just want to live well with my family in a secure country : )
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @resjudicata Thanks a lot! I definitely will take a look at those. I'm migrating from Mexico btw. Again.. thanks : )
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @resjudicata Yeah, I said Vancouver just because is where the company is located but I rather live in a small city, do you have any suggestions? I know that for sure I need to arrive to BC, once there, I can move to other province. Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it : )
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @juulia Thanks, that is something I really like about my field, I only need good internet access and ready to work!
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @tedpolaris I was just taking a quick look to Calgary info and it looks really good. I don't care about most of the cons, kind of messy traffic to go to downtown.. my city is a chaos on traffic so Im use to that, I don't plan to go out a lot anyways, the weather.. that could be a bit hard to...
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @tedpolaris Thanks a lot, I might actually message you I accept the offer. I know I have to land to BC because of the permit I will get, but once in Canada I can move anywhere I want, and Calgary seems like a fun place to live with my family, I will consider that option. Thanks for the advices...
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @theanomaly Cool, will take a look thanks!
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @cgmaj44 At first I will rent, maybe buy in a few years
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @tobyw Thanks a lot, this is really helpful
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    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @kash Yup, seems tight, I don't think we'll need childcare since I'll be working from home and my wife is not going to work for a while... so until she gets a job the smaller ones will be at home with us.