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  1. G

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @johnnie4jesus But don't you have to balance ER and ROI?
  2. G

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @breadandbible It's that rebalancing that I wonder about because I know I don't have time to do all that. With various issues in my personal life, I need something more set-it-and-forget-it. Hence why I'm thinking TDF....
  3. G

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @sustainableblueberry I just know that I probably won't have time or I will forget. Like I've been wanting to do this for months but something or the other keeps coming up. Lot's of medical issues in the family. I'm gonna look into this some more this weekend. Hopefully.
  4. G

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @breadandbible It's that rebalancing that I wonder about because I know I don't have time to do all that. With various issues in my personal life, I need something more set-it-and-forget-it. Hence why I'm thinking TDF....
  5. G

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @stevenj Yeah. Those articles are hella confusing to me. I wish there was some kind of wizard for creating a 3 fund portfolio from a list of available options.
  6. G

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    While I have a very good handle on my personal finances, and I max my 401k contributions, I don't have a good handle on my 401k contribution choices. I have read the wiki ( and numerous articles online, but it always just get's...