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  1. R

    I don't feel Poor, but I am?

    @melekmikayel If you dont feel poor, then you're not. In fact, most people in australia are not "poor" by absolute standards. They only feel poor when they're comparing themselves to someone richer they see on social media, or friends/aquaintances etc. If you're poor, you'd know it. Think...
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    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @azythum if the analysis is high quality, the person posting it would keep it secret for himself, or sell it to some hedge fund or investment rag.
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    Crippling student debt is a thing in Australia too, like the US and unlike the rest of the civilised world (e.g. Europe)

    @davekool182 i agree that masters or post-grad stuff really shouldn't be subsidized, or at least, not as subsidized as undergrad stuff. I would imagine that postgrad or masters work is something that would have business sponsorship (such as paid training for a job), or via research grants...
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    Could this Home Loan idea work, would it save the current gen, and help the next gen. Thoughts, pros and cons.

    @hotinco so you're talking about interest? But you also want a 0% interest loan? And where will the capital to do the loan come from initially? Taxpayers? Investors? Or are you suggesting the gov't print more to fund this?
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    Implications of corporate owners of ETFs (e.g. Blackrock and Vanguard) advocating activist investing

    @jonnyalliance The reason blackrock did this is to market their fund as having some sort of social awareness (without having to claim they are an ESG fund). They did this because they believe that more people would be willing to purchase blackrock funds, not that the underlying companies would...