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    Financial Independence RSA

    @gracer Well done OP, can't wait for the next update
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    Q1 2023 F.I.R.E. update

    @gracer Good day OP, thank you for this detailed response. It's going to be a fun journey
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    Q1 2023 F.I.R.E. update

    @gracer Thank you for the post OP. Just went through both of your posts and still craving more lol. We actually do need a r/FIREza subreddit. I've made a post regarding advice on my investment plan a few hours back as well. Could you perhaps take a look and share some knowledge if you don't mind?
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    EasyEquities fees shot up?

    @ilovetaterzzz On the 28th of March I invested R3000 in my TFSA. Bought an ETF and got a discount of R4.50 due to my thrive level (I think I'm on level 6 or 7). My transaction fee for that purchase went from the usual R10 - R11 for a R3000 transaction, to R6.05 for the R3000 transaction.