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  1. G

    The General will cancel my policy if I don’t pay them $0.00

    @jebusftw Started a small store once, after three months of not filing sales tax . . . because I had no sales . . . received a sales tax estimate invoice/demand for the state for $500. Apparently in some states you are still required to file a sales tax submittal form every month even if the...
  2. G

    My neighbor’s house exploded. How do I proceed from here?

    @hyacynthia I’d be a betting man the driver of that vehicle doesn’t have the limits to cover one house, much less multiple.
  3. G

    Help Me Advise 81/85 YO Parents on Their Life Insurance Policies

    @chris1975 These questions should be asked of the advisor who serves as the agent on their policy. They can gives specific answers based on their company guidelines/rules. Here is some GENERIC information that should still be discussed with their advisor: Do they need life insurance...