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    Am I Doing Ok? What Should I Do Next? (23F)

    @kknmksmama Marry rich, pump out a few kids, enjoy the good life
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    PovertyFinanceNZ is (unfortunately) trending

    @lauris I don't mind. I'm stuck indoors working anyway so free to argue with randoms. This is reddit after all. I use it as stress relief during work
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    PovertyFinanceNZ is (unfortunately) trending

    @lauris No I made a statement without a disclaimer. You made the assumption that it's binary. I'm not the press secretary, I am on reddit. What you want a shocked pikachu face? With minimum wage as high as it is in NZ they are doing something wrong. They are prob doing multiple jobs because...
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    PovertyFinanceNZ is (unfortunately) trending

    @shaon Only the sith deal in absolutes. I suppose it's easier for the weak minded to look at things in a black and white manner. But for a sec can you consider that comments on reddit aren't black and white and merely a generalization where it is 100% possible for people not to fill in a...
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    PovertyFinanceNZ is (unfortunately) trending

    @jd98 Poverty finance isn't just for poor people. Contrary to popular believes "rich" people got there by being smart / conservative with spending money. If there are ways to minimise spending "rich" people tend to be more involved than "poor" people. Rich people earned their money, esp in a...
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    Capital Gains Tax on Overseas Investments

    @jennywilliam Are your overseas investments greater than 50K nzd? Rules vary depending on this number
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    Advice on finding funding for the purchase of a currently trading business

    @valentinap Give up on it. Based on your numbers no one would lend you that money. Even if you found a high interest rate loan that will result in business suicide they wouldn't lend anywhere close to the amount you are after. Frankly the proposal sound more like a scam, as in whoever will...
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    Saving up $20,000 for a Sailboat - On a Benefit (Long-Term Accountability Post)

    @resjudicata This post made me think of the Porcha plate "TY WINZ"
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    Any strings with the free stuff on FB Marketplace?

    @ella1838 I'd imagine the string is you get rid of their rubbish. It costs money to throw rubbish away. You are effectively saving them of this cost.
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    Does this budget look ok? Planning to move to Auckland for working holiday : )

    @frogs $200 per week for rent is the only one that's abit unrealistic. I see below you've added some links. Notice those don't include utilities which can fluctuate significantly.