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  1. M

    Interviewing after starting at a new company, when to communicate this?

    @sarahkuvington75 Sorry, actually meant that I would definitely accept company Z’s offer if given, it would be a higher position with higher pay and in a line of work I’m more interested in than current company Y. Was just wondering the logistics of when/if I should inform company Z that I have...
  2. M

    Interviewing after starting at a new company, when to communicate this?

    @gyx Company X was undergoing layoffs so I was applying at multiple places. Company Y’s interview process was faster than company Z so I accepted Y, and then Z contacted me for interviews… but Z is my first choicd
  3. M

    Interviewing after starting at a new company, when to communicate this?

    I recently left company X for company Y, and am in the first week of company Y. I am also currently interviewing for company Z. When I sent my resume to company Z I was still with original company X, so I don’t have company Y on my resume nor have I mentioned that I now work for company Y...