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  1. C

    International investing

    @racheljay50 Yep, you got me. I guess you know better than CFAs and nearly all other fund managers and directors in the world that all recommend international exposures. Tell me your credentials again?
  2. C

    International investing

    @racheljay50 For the second time - this is NOT about OUTPERFORMING over X time, so why should I address the fact that you are asking about apples when the post is about oranges? This is about limiting your exposure to more risk at the cost of gains and the statements behind it. And what is your...
  3. C

    International investing

    @racheljay50 This isn't about "gainz". This is about limiting your volatility while not minimizing your returns. If you want to chase gains, I'm sure that TSLA calls from March beat every index, but obviously people don't do that because of risk. So why do essentially that on a smaller level...
  4. C

    International investing

    @mudhen First off, there is a big difference between attacking and informing. Not quite sure how you get "attacking" from my OP that's mostly just a conglomeration of various statements and studies done by many top tier investment heads. Unfortunately, there ARE plenty of people here, in...
  5. C

    International investing

    @mudhen Although you can't rebalance from the "different pots of money" between a IRA and TSP, at maxing both the TSP and IRA, you would be contributing 23.5% (6K IRA divided by 25.5K total invested) to an IRA that you can then pick up those shares with - which is still much better than nothing...
  6. C

    How am I doing Financially?

    @kaydrelia This may be an obvious statement, but make sure you are putting in money for 2020 and NOT 2021 into your newly opened IRA. You have until tax day to try and max it out for the "previous" year. $10K as an E3 is very solid. Keep trying to raise your investing %s when you hit your...
  7. C

    International investing

    @cbc8171 Thanks! I thought posting the link about the home country bias might help out for people to maybe have some introspection about, but surely enough, the first response was nothing but that...
  8. C

    International investing

    For all that missed it, a couple months ago, /@cbc8171 put up a post about getting some international exposure that wasn't the best received due to the phrasing and tone here: and I wanted to expand a bit more on it from my personal POV with extra research bits. Just like ~3 months ago, I am...