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  1. M

    What to do with 100K I will very likely need at some point in the next 12 months for a home deposit?

    @bethelight I believe so: "1 Die Zinsen sind kumulierbar, d.h. sie werden für jede Währung (CHF, EUR oder USD) separat berechnet. Die Berechnung der Zinsen wird anteilsmässig auf 365 Tage gerechnet. Die Auszahlung der Zinsen erfolgt jedes Jahr am 31. Dezember. Gültig ab dem 1. Oktober 2023. 2...
  2. M

    What to do with 100K I will very likely need at some point in the next 12 months for a home deposit?

    YUH pays 1% on your CHF, just put it there and pay the 100 chf for convenience not to open 5 accounts
  3. M

    What to do with 100K I will very likely need at some point in the next 12 months for a home deposit?

    @river__raine Savings account at Raiffeisen pays for example 1.1% but per quarter you can only withdraw 20k. So, maybe 5 of these with different banks? But not sure if it is worth 1.1k in terms of time and hussle. maybe fixed bond pays less but provides more ease.