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    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    @nenab Fellow O here. I would take $6,000 off your emergency fund and put that into your ROTH for 2019. I would divest $5,500 from T Rowe and put that in your 2018 ROTH IRA. Make sure to do this before April 15. What are the expense ratios on your funds in the T Rowe account? Depending on what...
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    Early 30s with Money: Now what?!

    @srla A financial advisor sounds helpful. If I was your financial advisor (I am not one FYI) I would first ask what your financial goals are and then consider the following investment vehicles: IRAs especially if you want to increase the amount of retirement contributions HSA if you have any...
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    Should the Air Force Salary be a deterrent for me joining?

    @marissa90 Entry cyber security jobs should average 70k with a bachelors. It might be worth it better to work on a bachelors and be poised to hit a higher salary. Military experience, while good experience, doesn't often drastically increase your salary as much as advanced degrees. That is, if...