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  1. N

    Expatriate Living off Interest & Dividend Income; Tax Rate If No Earned Income?

    also, I should point out, you mentioned no "earned income from South Korea nor US." but, if you work remotely for clients in other countries, such as some consulting or freelance work, and you were physically located in ROK when you did that work, that is considered Korean income and likely...
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    Expatriate Living off Interest & Dividend Income; Tax Rate If No Earned Income?

    @bluegill_04 so, I'm no expert on South Korean tax policy, but generally speaking, once you've lived in a country for 183 days within a 1 year period, you are considered a tax resident of that country and are obliged to pay income and social security tax to that country. Lucky us, as Americans...
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    Expatriate Living off Interest & Dividend Income; Tax Rate If No Earned Income?

    @genenco yeah, kind of a pointless question without the OP stating where he lives now. That will determine the tax bill.
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    MetLife won’t send my monthly annuity digitally

    @tijames Also take a look at State Department Federal Credit Union ( they are expat friendly, and could be an excellent conduit for your money. Have your US payments go to SDFCU, then use to transfer to your local account.
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    Debit Card Fraud in Europe

    @jeremiah33 Yeah - definitely look into some of the "new" payment options available here. Compared to what we are used to from the US, there are so many ways to pay and to send money to people, especially MBWay
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    Debit Card Fraud in Europe

    @jeremiah33 I'm not sure where you are from, or what type of banking services you are accustom to using, but one thing I found having moved to Portugal from the US is that there are far more and better ways to pay for goods and services here than I was used to in the US. No need for Zelle or...
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    Debit Card Fraud in Europe

    @jeremiah33 We have ActivoBank and they have tons of fraud mitigation features. Also, use MBWay as much as you can. Between that and Apple Pay and virtual cards you can greatly reduce your exposure. Portuguese banking has a lot of great features especially when compared to the US.