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  1. J

    Finpension Global Market ETF (VT - VWRL Clone)

    @quant Yup, the ETF savings plan really is neat 👌🏼
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    Bridge investment until CHF gets stronger

    @mog411 I only managed to get stay away from market timing after losing enough money that it really hurt 😅
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    Months of expenses

    @lauriluillier 12 months (burnrate in Switzerland) + money for a big trip around the world (in cheap countries) + 20k for big surprise spendings. Maybe a bit overkill? I tend to be on the more anxious side of things tho... 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    Started investing in ETFs with neon bank but thinking to switch to degiro or IBKR

    @onewayjesus Compared to most other services in Switzerland (backed by a Swiss licensed bank), 0 depot fees and 0.5% transaction fees are pretty good imho 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    Months of expenses

    @jjmaleyscw I dont get it. Are u saying your investments are worth 6 years expenses? (At current market levels)?