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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 I actually don't agree that a whole life policy is necessarily better than a bank. Average actual returns on whole life are pretty similar to a high yield online savings account (though I will agree that they are a little higher when federal interest rates are low AND IF you...
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 I think what you're missing is that a prudent person won't invest 100% of their money in retirement accounts - nobody would suggest that. A financially savvy person would also have bank accounts and taxable investments (which still beat life insurance for returns after taxes)...
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    Guidance on VUL policy

    @justviv If you want market returns, just invest in the market.
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    Do they make life insurance complicated for a reason?

    @genebgto 100% this is the way to go
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    Denied Permanent Policy

    @nayse So did you know you were going to take a drug test and did the cocaine anyway or did you take the cocaine first and then agree to a drug test?
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    Life insurance at 20? Advice/tips pls Long post ahead

    @sheba92766 If you have extra money at your age I highly recommending investing it and not tying it up in insurance. Insurance is ostensibly tax advantaged (and there are minor tax advantages) but not nearly as much as a Roth IRA.