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  1. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @astievia It’s a belly laugh in the supine position . Begins around the posterior of the abdomen
  2. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @astievia Wow calm down! I’m phase 2 , and searching repeatedly for any info and posts about new information. I made a suggestion and gave out info : which is that THERE ISN’T ANY INFO. Also to let people know we can hope for an update tomorrow . I’m not trying to dictate anything. Nor am I...
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    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @ruff24 Which provides no help to when phase two payments will happen unfortunately. Edit: unless you are saying you see something I don’t? Which could very well be the case !
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    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @rosetyler I’ve only seen one phase 2 on Reddit .. have you seen more?
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    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @onroadtorecovery As you can see I said twice this was just a suggestion, also this was in a way to let these people know that NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING.
  6. J

    [california] frustrated with EDD

    @rejoiceforchrist Not sure what you mean, most (here) have received week 4 and many have received 4&5 (that certified 8/22 and 8/29 on the same certification) . I am sorry that you have only received two weeks . Like I said it makes no sense and it’s not fair .
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    [california] frustrated with EDD

    @resjudicata It’s not fair and it makes no sense. I’m sorry
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    [california] frustrated with EDD

    @rubix They are the worst
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    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @francis271179 Ya that’s not fair, honestly the way they did the whole thing is just stupid.
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    [california] frustrated with EDD

    I’m sure this will be deleted since pretty much any post for California is being deleted but I am just so frustrated with EDD. Why would they say this : “Since individuals have different bi- weekly certification cycles, those who meet eligibility requirements for both weeks in the same period...
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    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @rose_water I don’t know what time it gets released . I can’t guarantee there will be one I just know for the past 4 months (at least) they release it every 7 days , don’t see why today would be different
  12. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @dawid2011 Most people received the cert on the 15th . We have ZERO info on when phase 2 payments will start. Hopefully the press release will shed some light on that today . As far as you getting more payments after the 900 this is what their last press release said : “After these Phase One...
  13. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @dawid2011 Happy for both of you! Fingers crossed that your boyfriend and the rest of us phase 2 people get ours soon. Hoping the press release today will give us some piece of mind
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    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @barlean I agree and I feel you I’m at extremely stressed about it too, just really hoping there is a press release tomorrow and that it gives decent updates on phase 2
  15. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @mechtild 💯Agreed . Feel like they did it that way on purpose, so they aren’t committed to anything
  16. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @mechtild For the payment to be delayed until certification date IN MY OPINION (not yelling at you just emphasizing this is of course just my opinion) , i don’t think will be the case. Just going off of phase one payments , it didn’t appear that certification had anything to do with WHEN...
  17. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    @woodrowcall I agree other states Didn’t have to do it in phases they had the self cert available from the beginning