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  1. P

    General finical advice required

    @lovedaisies The computer was important for my work. As for the internet, ironically I work as a developer in the banking industry. I deal with extremely big files, which sometimes they can be time sensitive. It’s important that internet is not a issue. So unfortunately it is required. This also...
  2. P

    General finical advice required

    @aiaa17 Wanted to build my credit score, but the computer i could not afford to pay at that time do i had to do credit
  3. P

    General finical advice required

    @cami777 My cellphone contract is for the actual phone. I only saw last month the insurance was way more than what i needed. It was R600 pm. Now down to 300. After about 6months from now the only debt I will have is my student loan the rest will be paid off
  4. P

    General finical advice required

    @littlesisterinchrist Definitely especially growing up, I got so use to the term there isn’t money at around 10 I just stopped asking in general. I guess after that I realised how little money we were making. When we ate out I always tried eating cheap to save money. My grandfather worked his...
  5. P

    General finical advice required

    I will say I did waste money like nothing the past 2 years. But I feel like I’m in my 20 and I’m allowed to have some fun. But now maybe is the time to start looking forward
  6. P

    General finical advice required

    @gifford26 Most of my debt will clear up within the next 6 months. Where I’ll only be left with a student loan and internet as my only real debt. Once she is back, I’m considering throwing that 3k towards the student loan each month. And I don’t expect anything in return, she had a rough...
  7. P

    General finical advice required

    @celino It works thanks so much, I’ll start reading through it
  8. P

    General finical advice required

    @celino I think the link on mobile might be broken, will retry once I am home tomorrow
  9. P

    General finical advice required

    @celino Thank you will read through it now
  10. P

    General finical advice required

    @celino Can you maybe give some more insight on TFSA, Im honestly not up to date with anything related to investments. I do have a EQ account which I played around with when I was bored with R30(lol) Or any resources, I don’t mind reading
  11. P

    General finical advice required

    @bill1969 Happy cake day, and also no I understand lol. She has had an insane impact, without her i would have never been where I was today. I would probably be a good for nothing that just barely passed H/S. it’s because of her that I passed with my grades which I did in university. I went...
  12. P

    General finical advice required

    @loyaljw It is a really complicated relationship I’ll admit lol. She got the opportunity to study free at the university. But food and housing is on her. She got a job that covers her housing. But its extremely awful Living conditions. But housing is just so expensive it’s insane. And I’m...
  13. P

    General finical advice required

    First off I understand a finical adviser would probably beter bet. But I would love suggestions from ordinary people like me. My goal is one day to live from passive income. So this is my current situation. I’m. 24, turning 25. I make 35k p/m. Around 28k after tax, 29k if I did standby that...