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    Question about buying a car

    @sdknujy36 Thanks. As someone who is usually quite difficult to please, i am very happy with the setup so far. Long may it continue
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    Question about buying a car

    @sdknujy36 It was before! We ended up getting 1.40 credited to our account
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    Question about buying a car

    @juanes We bought an EV 2 months ago and got the wall charger installed at the house exactly a month ago. Currently on energia's EV plan where it costs 8c per unit between 2am and 6am. According to the app here, in that month, we have spent 39 euro charging the car. Before that we spent 150-200...
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    lowest interest rate on mortgage u have seen

    @jesrdking Can't answer the cash back part but I'd say you're pretty happy nowadays with your 20yr 2.45% rate
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    Received the gift of a small sum, looking for advice

    @river22 They're earning good money. By not having the loan any more they can build up their kitty again even quicker
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    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

    @asurfpro That's the hope anyway! Let's see what happens. The solar panels last year brought the BER from B3 to A3 as well so let's see what products are available at that point
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    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

    @asurfpro Ooh I see. Yeah that BTL rate is quite different alright! With my own case I'm hoping rates will trend downwards again in the next 2.5 years. If not then I may have a few bob together to pay off a little chunk. We shall see
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    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

    @asurfpro Sorry, that was supposed to say 2.5 years from now! 😬
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    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

    @sicky12 Same here. 2.1% for the next 2 5 years - god only knows what it'll be like then...
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @legrandvn Jesus that's very high
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @sally1996 If? The bill will tell you if its a proper reading or estimated. 100pm sounds low for a BER G where the only heat source is electric
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @aines123 🤣 ah yeah i hear ya. We're here 6 years this year and chipping away at things too - you can't do it all together unfortunately. The solar setup last year was a game changer, its saving us a fortune. Plan on combining that with an EV this year so hopefully that works out well
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @aines123 Ah I see. And are you exporting anything to the grid once the water is hot and the current(geddit?) house demands are being met? Would highly recommend getting the battery, esp if you have a smart meter and a cheaper night rate. We charge ours overnight at 8c per unit and export to...
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @aines123 Seriously dude?? How many panels have you got, out of interest? That seems crazily high. We live in a detached dormer with panels and haven't paid an electricity bill since April, when they were installed