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  1. N

    Term Life Insurance after Bariatric Surgery

    @tiffany1103 DM'ed you to ask a follow-up question... please check it. thanks!
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    Term Life Insurance after Bariatric Surgery

    @scenematt but I'm guess that is what I'm asking. I'm five years out, no complications, would I have better luck if I was 8 or 10 years out? or will the surgery always be a spot on my record?
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    Term Life Insurance after Bariatric Surgery

    @scenematt so is the initial (over the phone) $240/month rate just a "teasier" rate? I mean, they knew my age when they gave me that rate. when I asked why it went up (6 classes) they pointed solely to the "bariatric revision" in 2018...
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    Term Life Insurance after Bariatric Surgery

    Hello, I am a 47 year old white male. I am 15 years into a 20 year $1 million term policy. I was rated at teh highest class at the time when I got that policy (I think I was 2 or 3 lbs away from being uninsurable). In 2018 I had my second (aka "revision") bariatric surgery. It was a...