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  1. N

    Germany/USA - What to do with a 529 plan

    @trantrang2461 My understanding of the FTC is it only applies to foreign sourced income. In this case, the 529 gains would be US sourced and I couldn't use the FTC for it. If I could, I would do that for myself as I already have a FTC carryover from previous years.
  2. N

    Germany/USA - What to do with a 529 plan

    @resjudicata Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't considered that. I haven't yet found such a tax planner who really understands the Germany-USA tax treaty and how to take specific actions in each country . I've been looking for this and would gladly pay an hourly consulting fee for this...
  3. N

    Germany/USA - What to do with a 529 plan

    I am an American living overseas (in Germany) and my children are now preparing to enter university. They will be going to universities outside of USA and are not on the FAFSA list of qualifying schools. This means their expenses are not eligible for 529 plans. I am trying to find the best way...