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    follow up: moving to Japan! Please give me some advice about what brokerage to use to continue holding my current U.S. stocks and buying more!!

    @christianzealot4 See this post about designated accounts. Also, please update your user flair to "US taxpayer".
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    follow up: moving to Japan! Please give me some advice about what brokerage to use to continue holding my current U.S. stocks and buying more!!

    @christianzealot4 It sounds like you are a "US taxpayer". Please use the "US taxpayer" user flair; see the sub's rule #6. You may find having a tax obligation to the US and Japan and trading will result in manual effort to file taxes on at least one side. If you go with a US brokerage, they...
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    Willing to jump, but still a bit afraid (open my own business)

    @enddayshappy Is there a specific kind of business you're thinking to start or are you asking about starting any kind of business?
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    Updated list of available products for new IBKR Japan accounts

    @sadmamacat Income from dividends is never considered earned income, and its source is the location of the company (stock) paying the dividend. If you mean for US dividends, yes that is how the FAQ reads. But the FAQ doesn't make any specific mention of US citizens, who should not have US tax...
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    Updated list of available products for new IBKR Japan accounts

    @gracec Yes, all taxable accounts domestic to Japan should have Japan tax withheld for dividends. It is also covered in the same FAQ:
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @resjudicata I find going the route of filing a tax return to be less painful and more straightforward than the one-stop system, personally. People may want to consider that option even if they could utilize the one-stop system.
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    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @tristatervrepair Rakuten Mobile's plan now doesn't charge if you don't use over 1 GB of data in a month. So you could keep the contract just for SPU purposes and pay nothing each month and have another contract as your main phone plan, using Rakuten Mobile as a backup or for overseas trips...
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    Purchasing ETF cross-listing as US taxpayer

    @davidsouth Having to file a tax return isn't on its own a problem. The question for me would be exactly what information do they provide to help you file your taxes. The pain is in keeping track of transactions and cost basis yourself.
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    Purchasing ETF cross-listing as US taxpayer

    @davidsouth The reason Japanese brokers restrict US taxpayers from purchasing US domiciled securities is because of the arrangement they have with the IRS (Qualified Intermediary agreement) which stipulates they handle all withholding for the US as if customers are not US taxpayers. Hence, they...
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    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @tristatervrepair With Rakuten's kaimono marathons or super sales, you can get 10% points back with that, on top of your SPU. If you pay with Rakuten Card, you can get an extra 2% on days that end in 0 or 5. And regularly there are other campaigns like today there's also +1% for vissel Kobe...
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @fillipos Yes, it varies by municipality. The important thing for whether the donation counts for this year or not is when the payment is processed, which may depend more on the platform and payment method you're using than the municipality.
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    Any downsides to elderly Japanese keeping most funds in 10-year Japanese treasuries?

    @hiscosmicgoldfish3 If you're looking for the best interest rates on JPY bank accounts, we have a section in our wiki:
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    No initial cost solar plan for Tokyo area, anyone tried?

    @theworstsinner14 How much more per month would it cost to include the solar system in your home loan? That's generally a better option than the 0 cost solar. One of the problems with the zero cost solar is that the company selling it only cares about the system working so long as they are...
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    Partial permanent Tax residency in a year and filing requirements

    @pal1322 B. With the caveat of remittances potentially making income taxable from before the day you ceased to be NPR status. Also, if you have capital gains from the sale of securities that you acquired while a Japan tax resident, those are taxable as well. Only securities you acquired while...
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    Stopping Ideco

    @fancyface The current general consensus is that an iDeCo account offers no protection from PFIC reporting/taxation, so it depends on what you buy inside of your iDeCo account. If the products held in an iDeCo are PFICs, then PFIC reporting/taxation will apply. Parking cash is often the only...
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    NISA and US tax

    Given PFIC rules, it's not generally advisable to buy funds as a US person, but I've heard of US people still using NISA accounts to buy individual Japanese stocks. I was wondering how the US taxes on this works out and if the tax liability could be offset by your other taxable passive income. I...
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    I decided to go fishing in the Japanese stock-market abyss. Found 4 incredibly undervalued companies

    @oksana126 I didn't follow the reasoning here. Is the assumption here that Japanese stocks overall (as represented by Nikkei 225) will fall when the yen strengthens? If so, I'm not sure that's a good assumption. Some Japanese businesses do well with a weak yen, some do well with a strong yen...
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    So we want to sell the apartment we just purchased

    @gustavowoltmann I don't see why banks would care about you selling and paying off the loan to then presumably get another loan. They get fees every time you make a loan. They probably would rather you make as many new loans as possible. There are also real estate broker fees and government fees...
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    Small low-risk investment options?

    @lifeabundant Interactive Brokers got rid of account minimums sometime in the past couple of years. See