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    Is State Farm scamming me or are State Farm and myself both being scammed? HELP????🚒🚑🚙🆘

    @justkevin85 State Farm doesn't know where your car is b/c they aren't the ones who took your car. They paid a tow company to come and get the car. They have no direct oversight over that tow company and all of their employees. Who is the tow company that came to get your car? Who was the...
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    Seat Belt Ticket ... Why do Cops Lie ?

    @cobondservant You sound like a very pleasant person to be around. If you don't like people explaining how insurance rates work (and why the police have no say in it), then you should probably refrain from posting questions like this in an insurance subreddit. But, best of luck to you. I'd...
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    Seat Belt Ticket ... Why do Cops Lie ?

    @cobondservant I would absolutely hope that police will say things to try to de-escalate and keep things calm. You say that like it's a bad thing. Beyond that, your comments show a complete lack of understanding on how insurance works. The police do not set your insurance rates. They do not...
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    Seat Belt Ticket ... Why do Cops Lie ?

    @cobondservant I fail to see where the police officer lied to you. Telling you that you're not getting points on your license is NOT telling you that your insurance company may not opt to raise your rates.
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    UPDATE on Burnt 91' 4Runner, offered 5.2K for her

    @dustoff You aren't entitled to extra money b/c of labor hours spent on repairs/upgrades to the car. Were those repairs, or were those installing some custom parts/mods? Beyond that, I can't imagine the value of a '91 4Runner even being as high as $5200. Why exactly do you feel like they...
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    Am I being ripped off or is this standard practice?

    @thecurious As @travisdt're owed actual cash value, not replacement cost. They're not the same thing. And you're not going to get a perfect comp on a 2010 vehicle. And list prices aren't they key. Sale prices are. People can list a car for anything. What matters is what the...
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    @hulahooper Impossible to give you any answers without knowing the details of each claim, and the coverage you had in place at the time of each accident. If you accepted a full settlement on your first accident, that one is probably done and over with. The release you signed would typically...