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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @sally1996 It will say it on the 2nd page of the bill actual or estimated. If it was meter read then I think you are doing incredibly well as I also used to live in accommodation like yours 10 years ago and was paying about that much. With the recent price hikes paying €100 per month is pretty...
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @sally1996 Was the bill estimated or meter read?
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @sally1996 Where are you getting the €100 pm figure from?
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @tentmaker17 It's definitely on the to do list but it's not next, there are a couple of other things that really need to be done first. I bought a hybrid 2 years ago and it has made a huge difference as I do most of my driving in short distances but after another couple of years I'll go...
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @tentmaker17 Oh trust me, its in the planning stages. I'm saving up as fast as I can. I have a smart meter and at the moment I have free electricity on Sundays as that's when I do all the jobs that accumulate over the week. I've only just changed to that plan from an ordinary saver plan so I...
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @tentmaker17 I haven't got the battery installed yet so the panels are only heating the water for now.
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    What’s an appropriate electric bill size?

    @sally1996 I think you should be aiming higher. BER G is not at all efficient and you are losing most of your heat through windows/doors etc. For context I live in a detached bungalow with solar panels and mine costs over €300 for 2 months and that doesn't include heating.