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    Rent increase for additional resident

    @lovegod98 Utilities are for our own account.
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    Rent increase for additional resident

    @jowiko Utilities for our own account
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    Rent increase for additional resident

    @boateng Imma copy a part of my other comment: My only counter to this would be, if we had applied with 3 people to start with, the rent would've been the same as it is now without having to add an additional person as an occupant. The extra cost isn't massive, and realistically, it'll be...
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    Rent increase for additional resident

    @chucklemethis My only counter to this would be, if we had applied with 3 people to start with, the rent would've been the same as it is now without having to add an additional person as an occupant. But thanks, just doing my sanity checks here :)
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    Rent increase for additional resident

    Good Day People, Quick question. I've(m) been renting a flat with a friend(m) of mine for about 1.5 years. This morning we found out that my friend's partner(f) had landed a job close by. The plan is for her to move in with us. We've asked our agent if there'd be any issue with such an...
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    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @microgirl Them demanding the money does in fact interrupt prescription. Just ignoring debts don't make them disappear. If they can prove you received comms, or worse prove that you hid the fact that you've received comms, then you're screwed. I don't know why people see it as some magic bullet