Search results

  1. M

    Frugal tips to save money

    @brunojax It does smooth out potential volatility in the pump price, and if you fill up every week and an unexpected expense comes up you can always reshuffle compared to being on empty - but not really going to
  2. M

    First home...

    @ron48170 Oh, sweet! I don't really know the market there too much, but I would say take a good look at and have a look at what things are selling for compared to CV etc. around your area 😊 but keep in mind CV is only based on what the council knows about the house - a house with a...
  3. M

    First home...

    @ron48170 I'd take a good look around on on recently sold properties - unless you're looking quite far out or in South Dunedin etc., you may find it difficult to find anything sub-400k. Don't mean to put you off, just I had this with my partner last year - took us ages to get okay...