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    What should I do with 3.5M yen?

    @nafis4268 First, no worries about not having done the homework, it is far from too late, everybody in this sub wakes up at some point. In any case, you need to clarify what that money will be for. If not for retirement, not for hose, not for short term needs, what do you plan to use it for ...
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    What should I do with 3.5M yen?

    @nafis4268 Advice would depend on what you intend to use the money for. As an example, if this is for long term retirement, and you plan to retire in your home country, a tax advantaged account there makes the most sense. Because you will let it grow until you retire there. If it is for...
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    How common is it for a company to give a maximum of 8 months bonus in Tokyo?

    @neuric Yes and no. Most companies afaik already have a bonus system and % for the grade you apply so mostly discuss the fix part, and then apply their bonus and advantages to it.
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    How common is it for a company to give a maximum of 8 months bonus in Tokyo?

    @neuric I see three reasons to go with the 10M base : - Variable salary in that order of magnitude, in my limited experience, would be for very highly paid c-suits. You could start to see 50% (6 months) variable if you're paid 25M and upward - at least that is the image I have. Therefore for...
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    2022 Annual Report

    @kristhuy Thank you to all those who contributed last year in any way of form. My favorites have been the inheriting toaster becoming sentient. I can only reinforce that having more people try their hand at the wiki would be fantastic. Just linking great info/thread into the proper pages will...
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    Monthly Moderation Report – June/July 2021

    @kristhuy Thank you stark for your efforts and this recap. I really look forward to hear from the community on the two points you raised and hope we can find a good balance. Simply talking about it openly is already a good step. I also want to thank all who actively participate thought...
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    Pension benefit amounts for 2024 releases

    @bigoink No sane government would restrict pensions to people living in japan. That would bring back home a lot of elder japanese that would be a strain on welfare and healthcare system, while not contributing. From a pure cynical financial perspective, the negative contributors are welcome...
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    I decided to go fishing in the Japanese stock-market abyss. Found 4 incredibly undervalued companies

    @acc000 My pleasure. More info here
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    I decided to go fishing in the Japanese stock-market abyss. Found 4 incredibly undervalued companies

    @acc000 It tracks the MSCI world index. Basically a collection of the 1500 largest companies worldwide (60% US). So when people talk about equities globally, this is quite close. Very diversified, and low fees. In line with boglehead approach.
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    I decided to go fishing in the Japanese stock-market abyss. Found 4 incredibly undervalued companies

    @oksana126 > almost too good to be true You have a reasonable approach crunshing numbers and establishing financial filters, and but you are onto something here ... it is a red flag sentence for a reason - there are plenty of specialized and fine tuned investments programs with access to more...
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    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @halleluyah C-suit are supposedly smart enough not to keep too much cash at hand, but frankly financial management varies greatly per person. The risk of loosing the amount above 10M seems lower to me than the certainty of missing money. Every year your 10M loose a few % to inflation, and even...
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    NISA and leaving Japan

    @ffidy A thread on IB might be in order indeed. It is a good broker but not usual in the traditional bank landscape and people might be confused by the international/local account. They recently dropped their monthly fee witch make them more cost efficient. I hope someone can launch this, or I...
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    Pension benefit amounts for 2024 releases

    @phillev "But I don't want to read all that and change my beliefs, I have always been proud of never paying into this scam, so the cognitive dissonance that I made and continue to make a terrible decision on multiple level is ... anyway let me just insult you."
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @rzim No need to waste this year amount, just don't order anything from either cities and make sure you have all deliveries to your new address. Most stuff takes time to deliver, but if you have some stuff that might be delivered very quickly just press the button just before you move. As long...
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    Pension update to Wiki

    @rogueebear Please check my example calculation for 'Carl' (born after 1946 and worked in Japan after 2003) with 10 years in the max bracket (650k/month SMR) : National/basic pension : 780 900 / 480 x 120 = 195 225 JPY/year Employee Pension : 650 000 x 5.481/1000 x 120 = 427 518 JPY/year...
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    Pension update to Wiki

    @rogueebear Based on my own record, those months show the same way previous months were, with the same 標準報酬月額 (SMR). No deductions were made from the 'benefit' I received at the time (not taxable income, and no social security contribution either but you are still protected). No idea for ideco...
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    Pension update to Wiki

    @rogueebear Thanks a lot for taking the time to put this down and take a swing at the wiki ! While I can only speak for myself I think it is great to fill up the wiki and avoid post fatigue (re : crypto tax). So, hats off ! I cannot contribute much but read through and it is easy to follow...