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  1. K

    Are there any rules of thumb for how much to spend on a vehicle purchase?

    @babyishcare I have heard 1/6 of income for total monthly cost: car payment, insurance, gasoline, maintenance. You can increase this if you live in a rural area or if the vehicle is a part of your livelihood. The other rule I heard is no more than six months income for total vehicle price.
  2. K

    Why don’t people just invest in the S&P ?

    @zc17bills VTI has about 7 times the number of companies in S&P 500. If you invest in the latter your are betting on the largest 13% and the reason why they became the largest.
  3. K

    31 years old. My wife (32) has been unemployed for 3 months. Looking for input on our financial position.

    @alicia0201 Your total savings are 2.5x your base income, and 2.5x recommended for your age. Excellent work!
  4. K

    I’m about to receive about $200,000.00 and I’m not sure what the best thing to do with it is

    @josh0302 That $200K is your retirement security. Put it in a stock index fund and hopefully it would quadruple over 20 years. Then by the 4% withdrawal rule it would provide you and extra $32K income a year on top of your Social Security.
  5. K

    Buying a car?

    @fullmoon Rule of thumb is 1/2 annual income. Look at $40K vehicles instead.