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  1. J

    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    @carolyntormala Was going to suggest doing some of both. That way your opportunity cost within the TFSA is partially maintained, and you still have a nice emergency fund/nest egg. We paid our mortgage off early, and there's a lot to be said for the peace of mind that brings. Since we had no...
  2. J

    30-40k all in Disney stock what do I do?

    @brknight Though the returns the last few years haven't been great, OP's return is huge, as he started with $0. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
  3. J

    How can I save money

    @mobezom Consider signing up with a local food bank or similar charity. They're not all income based, and even if they are I'd guess that supporting 4 people on your income might be considered low income. If you can get some ongoing support for food basics, that frees up some cash that could...
  4. J

    Where can I invest 50k that will pay me monthly

    @poppylavender Was going to say this too - 50k doesn't spin off a lot of monthly income without taking a decent amount of risk.