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    Beware of N26 - Day one without access to my account

    @candleleigh Can happen with any bank. Happened to a ING account in LU from me. Blocked for a week. Never ever be dependent from 1 bank.
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    S&P500 vs All World ETF

    @fateh Agree, backtest are only a view on the past!
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    S&P500 vs All World ETF

    @justiceformyfoot With higher expected returns also comes higher risk. You can do backtest of portfolios on Also worth reading articles on:
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    1.7M NW portfolio advice needed - 35y M

    @gabrielbarry Depending on what interest rates are, using own funds for the house is maybe not the most optimal. If a worldwide etf does on average 6 to 7% yearly, it could be wise to still have a mortgage. Further in many european countries you buy not a lot of house for 500-600k The rentals...
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    1.7M NW portfolio advice needed - 35y M

    @gabrielbarry Italy, Spain or the netherlands ?? That’s a wide difference . I am from NL, nowadays with pension in LU. Trust me , with such a high net worth you don’t want to be in NL. At least from a tax point. NL has a wealth tax(box3) based on a virtual result. Plan is to amend the system...