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  1. H

    Look at my finance and comment whatever you feel

    @dmscotland It is a calculated risk. Just a very poor calculation.
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    For Real Estate investment, does my math make sense?

    @mayello You will be very disappointed after 10 years when most buyers offer you a large chunk in cash.
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    Rate a tier 3 college fresher’s personal finance(in IT)

    @justme12345678910 As a fresher, as long as you are saving at least 20% of your salary, it's good. Just make sure not to get into the trap of lifestyle inflation, i.e when your salary eventually increases, put a higher percentage of that increase (ideally 40-50%) into savings.
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    Is it possible to reach 1 cr by 30 ? I have financial anxiety

    @tfsm In that case the outstanding loan should be subtracted from it as well.
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    Is it possible to reach 1 cr by 30 ? I have financial anxiety

    @khristine There is no standard rule but generally only 'income generating' assets are included in net worth. I personally wouldn't include residential property as well.
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    Is it possible to reach 1 cr by 30 ? I have financial anxiety

    @khristine Given your age it's fine. My advice would be dont get obsessed about seeing other people's net worth etc. that will cause you unnecessary anxiety. As long as you are hitting your goals and saving a good amount, that's all that matters. You never know when you get unexpected earnings...
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    Is it possible to reach 1 cr by 30 ? I have financial anxiety

    @khristine No, car is not included in net worth calculations. Assuming you will make 2 lac per month in hand this year, and given your expenses, you should aim to save 1 lac a month. No one can guarantee whether you'd reach 1cr by 30 or not (most likely no) but in the long run it's not going...
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    I am 24M. Am I too stingy? Need your advice

    @ajewelinhiscrown I think he means you have 5k a month to spend which is not enough for all these things.