Search results

  1. Y

    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @christopher627 Hes also "done a lot of research on this sub" and didn't manage to find the pinned post
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    25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

    @besjoux Read the pinned post. Financially, the only way buying the apartment is in anyway worth it is if you get a 2, or ideally 3, bed, live in it and rent out the other rooms. You'll get €14k tax free under rent a room relief. You will also lose any 1st time buyer privileges such as 10%...
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    In a bit of a dilemma

    @icewater Worked all throughout college, weekends, summers, Christmas. Always had more money than those around me in college. Missed out on a lot of fun shit like J1s etc. That my friends did. In hindsight, I regret it massively. Reality is, you'll save a hell of a lot more once you start...
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    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @analogica Jesus christ, you're the reason people with legitimate grievances with banks can't get an answer to their queries if theyre wading through shite complaints like this every month. It was your fault, fix it and move on Also credit ratings do not exist in ireland
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    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @nixfifty This should seriously come up as an FYI any time anyone posts on here
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    My car was written off will taking my BOI mortgage savings account be wise?

    @4gzus 6 months 90% of the time, 9 maybe 9% of the time and 12 in very rare circumstances, never beyond that so ya Edit: unless self employed