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  1. B

    my employer isn’t paying me correctly and i’ve just found out isn’t paying my super

    @undercover too late to be quarterly paid (as in they’re too late to pay it now), and still being underpaid
  2. B

    my employer isn’t paying me correctly and i’ve just found out isn’t paying my super

    I’m 19 and work at a retail shop, have been since last October, recently my friend started working there too and she realised we both aren’t getting paid our right amount, and i’ve sat on it a bit because my dad just committed suicide and i truly couldn’t be bothered looking into to it, but...
  3. B

    18yo wondering what to do with savings?

    @keziahnz i’ve never worked food, always retail, but yeah, they’d definitely have to either have left school and are working full time or something else, cause no way you are earning that much with full time school
  4. B

    18yo wondering what to do with savings?

    @keziahnz as an 18 year old who has worked since she could and despises clubbing, even if i had saved every single cent of what i made working i’d have no where near 60k