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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @dazey Thanks! I will probably give it a try
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @smta276603 Grazie! Commento molto utile. Ma posso chiederti in che città (o se grande città vs provincia) e quanto di capitale upfront? (non capisco se hai fatto mutuo oppure no) 2% mi sembra in effetti basso / non così interessante, magari paghi anche tanto di interessi? ROI su capitale...
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @realizer Buon punto ed infatti è una delle considerazioni da fare, oltre al tema mutui. Io pensavo a città con target studenti, magari da fare contratti brevi e che ti permettano di selezionare meglio chi fai entrare in casa. Esempio Milano… mi ricordo che quando vivevo a Milano si andava in...
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @realizer Ciao, grazie! Mi leggerò un po’ di subreddit italiani a riguardo. Intendi dire per problemi con chi ti entra in casa (tema contrattuale) o in tema di tasse / IMU / tasse sul reddito?
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @tommy2022 thank you! yes I think I’m gonna investigate a bit, ask banks here and there and see what kind of mortgages they’d offer
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @hiev Interesting thanks! Yeah all fair points, wasn’t aware of the above on Hungary though. I guess regulations have learnt to work against these arbitrages with time. Fair point on the local banks recognizing a lower risk profile / higher income. I guess I need to get a few mortgage offers...
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @xefere Interesting, thanks! I think portugal might be a good proxy for southern europe in general. I assume even if such investment property is the first house that you buy that doesnt change much, correct?
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    @xefere Thank you! On your first point, clear. I was hoping there was a more structured way to handle this kind of loans. On your second point, should have clarified my question better, for sure you pay higher than standard swiss rates (and for sure if you buy in EUR the rate reflects that)...
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    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    Gruetzi! I’m an Italian living in Switzerland and I’ve been thinking about buying a house in Italy or Spain (still debating) as an investment and I was wondering whether taking a loan from a Swiss bank (vs local) would be feasible and advisable. Does anyone have any experience on this subject...