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    Rent increase for additional resident

    @vincejohnson Challengers music intensifies
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    Rent increase for additional resident

    @vincejohnson More people on property = more risk of things being broken and more wear and tear. It's fair and sensible. If you guys have been good tenants, it will be a nominal amount, maybe R500-1000.
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    Is it worth paying with FNB for groceries for e-bucks?

    @kings4ril Petrol + Checkers alone covers my monthly fee (and more if I take a trip further away). Never mind Kauai and Starbucks vouchers. You have to play the game but it's definitely worth it.
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @abubu1 This person is not saving for anything. They are asking whether to use the cash they already have as a deposit or not. You are arguing about saving up for a house to basically make it more affordable which is a different scenario. In my example (which is the same as OP) there is...
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @abubu1 Nope. Still not getting it. The length of the loan isn't shorter or longer. If I have a bond of 1m with a repayment of 10k and a 500k deposit for the house or a bond of 1.5m and 500k cash with a repayment of 15k it's always better to take the latter. I can put the 500k in and have...
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @abubu1 You are not understanding. Your additional payment piece just comes off the amount you have in excess. There's no difference. The only reason to do the deposit is if you are irresponsible and can't help yourself from spending. Which is kinda null because you wouldn't have the deposit...
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @abubu1 But the higher payment just comes from your surplus anyway and you retain access to the full amount. There's only downside with the deposit and taking out a lower bond as that deposit becomes inaccessible.
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @scannon586 Check your bond originator contract because you almost certainly signed saying that you will not approach the bank directly. I'd be surprised if you can get a better rate anyway. Do not put down a deposit if you don't have to. Home loan accounts are almost always flexible (i.e. you...
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    Advice on offshore investment funds?

    @gracer I found this thanks to you and CarpeDiem - definitely going to be switching over from MSCI World/S&P500 to this.
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @faith4l Heh. Yeah I've got a CA friend who quit corporate at 28 and manages to work 50-60h per month at a really good rate, but he managed to build an excellent network before he quit so was never short of work. Projects are an option, or alternatively, fixed term contracts (maternity cover, as...
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    How do I grow the little money I have ?

    @crossdrivenwriter If you don't earn a good income yet, the best place to invest is in yourself. Focus on getting a stable income first.
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @faith4l Yeah I'm planning to BaristaFIRE, not fully FIRE, but haven't planned it out yet. No need to go balls-to-the-wall and hit FIRE with less energy left to enjoy the fruits of your labour. I'd actually probably prefer seasonal work to part-time so that I can travel for months at a...
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @julesseluj SA subs are generalised because the community is too small. It's fine to encompass SA FIRE in this sub.
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @gracer Nice. That's a solid expenditure too - not terribly low, but not excessive either. I look forward to seeing your progress :)
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @gracer Very good numbers and you're setting yourself up well with the property asset base. Are the tenants on your property? I presume your Real estate is your net value (i.e. property value minus bond). I also enjoy seeing these from a non-US perspective. What are you projecting your...
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    Buying a car Vs rental subscription

    @rgvbaptist I would relinquish my car in a heartbeat if I didn't need it to get to work and socialising. If you don't need one, don't get it. You can do a costing exercise fairly easily based on your current activity.
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    ZAR500k early inheritance from a parent

    @allbutnone Congrats I guess? I was speaking to a guy in my neighbourhood who bought his house for R2.6m 4 years ago, put another R500k into it and sold it for R2.4m recently. I don't know why you think "I did this thing and earned a worse return than retail bonds and other people literally...
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    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @primarye Could be 2-3 years worth + res + interest. Idk how much fees are now but when I was at uni 15 years ago you could've cleared R80k per year easily for tuition + res + living expenses
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    Does Easy Equity's new mandatory Thrive "loyalty program" violate the Consumer Protection Act?

    @valarielynn It's only a matter of time before they change this. Easy equities was created for the smart investor. Smart investing involves investing when you can. The fact that they are now punishing this is anti-consumer.