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    Being ripped off with by AVC

    @casterberry Apparently (according to them) it falls under the rules of public sector AVC schemes that it can’t be transferred to another provider. After looking into this it appears there may be some truth in this, however this wasn’t made clear to me at any stage either verbally or in the...
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    Being ripped off with by AVC

    @codi I have an Irish Life AVC with my current employer and I have no issues with that one - it’s doing very nicely.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @dichthuata2zhanoi5 If you’re potentially inheriting from a parent there’s a maximum amount before inheritance tax (cgt) kicks in - 330k I think. If the potential inheritance is from a more distant relative (eg. uncle, cousin etc.) that threshold is much lower (16k?) so inheritance tax will...
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    Being ripped off with by AVC

    Former HSE employee here. Left 15 years ago to move to the private sector and still have a few years to go to retirement. At the time I left I had paid c.28k into an AVC with New Ireland. It’s always performed poorly, and the latest ststement has said that the value on retirement (in today’s...
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    Buyout house from partner

    @kim75 Not sure what lind of relationship you have with your partner, but it’s possible that they might get an alternative valuation with a bias towards the high side. When I got my house valued the valuer just came straight out and said “Do you want me to pitch it high or low?” Shouldn’t really...
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    Buyout house from partner

    @kim75 Bear in mind your partner may be entitled to 50% of the difference between current market value of the property and the amount outstanding on the mortgage (ie. 280k - 190k = 90k, meaning that your partner may be entitled to 45k).